- 出售个人旅游用票券,或安排一个人在任何交通工具上的通行权(若交通工具为自己的公司拥有,则不需要旅行社执照)
- 透过向一个人出售或协助其安排在新加坡国内外的交通票券、酒店住宿和外国签证,为其提供旅游便利。若交通工具和住宿地点为公司拥有(如拥有交通工具的酒店),则不需要旅行社执照
- 购买及转售任何交通工具的通行权
- 安排或进行在新加坡国内外的旅游活动
- 进行当局可能规定的任何活动
- 自愿进行上述任何活动
You will need to apply for a travel agent licence with Singapore Tourism Board (STB) if your business falls within Section 4 of the Travel Agents Act (Cap. 334): (a) Supplying any person a right to travel on any conveyance; (b) Supplying any person – i. a right to travel on any conveyance to; and ii. a right of accommodation at a hotel or similar boarding premises at, one or more places, whether in Singapore or elsewhere; (c) Purchasing or reserving, for resale to a person a right to travel on any conveyance; (d) Supplying any tour (whether or not organised by the person) to any other person; (e) Such other similar activity as may be prescribed.
实缴资本:一般的新加坡旅行社公司(general travel agent licensees )必须拥有至少10万新元的实缴资本金, 持有精品旅行社执照(niche travel agent licensees )的公司必须拥有至少5万新币的实缴注册资本金, 实际价值不可以少于这个金额。
For registered business entities (including dormant entities) applicants shall ensure that at any time, the issued and paid-up capital in the business entity’s latest ACRA bizfile is not less than $100,000 for general travel agent licensees or $50,000 for niche travel agent licensees and, the net value is not less than that amount.
主要执行官 Key Executive:新加坡注册公司必须委任一名适当的人选担任主要执行官,负责日常业务运作。对于主要执行官的委任必须得到新加坡旅游局的批准。主要执行官须为新加坡公民、永久居民或就业准证持有者,同时应具备相关工作经验与资历,以便有效管理公司。
All applicants must nominate a suitable person for the position of a Key Executive (KE). The KE is the contact person between the Board and the travel agency. He / She is responsible for the proper administration and management of the affairs of the travel agency. To ensure clear lines of accountability and full commitment, the KE appointee should not be a concurrent KE of another licensed travel agency.
A Directors’ Resolution for the appointment of the Key Executive, printed on business entity’s letter head and signed by more than 50% of the directors (if there are two or more directors), is required to be submitted. The nominee for the Key Executive of the business entity is subject to the approval of the Board. (a) The Key Executive can be a Singaporean, Permanent Resident or a foreigner holding a valid employment pass or entrepreneurial pass. An employment pass / entrepreneurial pass of minimum six months validity period is required if the Key Executive is a foreigner. (b) The Key Executive should preferably be a Director of the entity or an equivalent to the head of the business entity with at least 1 year of managerial experience, who is responsible for the proper administration and management of the affairs of the travel agent. (c) For sole-proprietor or partnership, the Key Executive should preferably be the sole proprietor (Owner) / Partner.
管理层员工和人事Management Staff and Personnel:旅行社公司的主要管理人员必须具有良好的品德与声誉。新加坡旅游局可酌情要求提供证明,如无犯罪记录证明、信用背景调查及相关政府机构发出的品行优良证明信。
(1) A copy of the tenancy agreement (2) Agreement from main tenant on the sharing of premises in a business letter. (3) A ground plan showing proper demarcations between the licensee and other occupant(s) should be submitted. (4) A proper signage display at the main lobby/entrance and within premises.
原则上批准信中可能会列出一些条件,在取得新加坡旅行社执照的最终批准之前,您需要满足这些条件。其中一个典型的条件是提交您计划开设旅行社的场所的租赁协议,该协议应该为期至少一年。如果该场所是由您拥有,您需要出示所有权证明。如果是SOHO办公室, 需要提供HDB或者URA官方关于SOHO办公室的批准函。
(a) The applicant must produce documentary proof (e.g. certificate of stamp duty, tenancy agreement, etc.) to support the suitability of the office for the conduct of the travel agency business. (b) The office shall be used exclusively for the conduct of the business of a travel agency. (c) The office space may either be purchased by the business entity or leased for a minimum period of one year. (d) If the Landlord is an individual, a copy of the stamped duty or property tax document should also be submitted. (e) For home office premises, documents showing approval from the relevant authorities (HDB/URA) that it is under the ‘Home Office Scheme’ should be submitted.