Incorporate Company


Name Application

Choosing a company name  Before registering a company, the first thing to do is to check if the name which the company is registering is available. How to tell if a company name can be registered Generally, if a company with the same name does not already exist, you can apply for it within a day or several hours. However, when the submitted company name contains certain professional terms, these company names will have to be referred to the relevant Singapore regulators. If this happens, it may take 14 days to 2 months for the company name to be reviewed and approved. Which are […]

Company Folder

Company Folder After the company is registered, we will prepare a complete company package for our clients. The package contains all the statutory documents, stamps and templates. The documents in the package should be kept in a secure location. Any subsequent changes, resolutions, or new documents should also be logged and kept in the company folder. This is equivalent to the company’s files. The company packet should include: Certificate of Incorporation (business license) Certificate of Incorporation Company registration document Bizfile Articles of Association Constitution Form 45 Consent to Act as Director Form 45BForm 45B Consent to Act as Secretary Application […]